How much does and Energy Performance Certificate cost?

Cost od selling house

An energy performance certificate, or EPC, is a document that shows the energy efficiency of a building. In the UK, they are required by law for all newly built homes and for any homes that are being sold or rented. The cost of an EPC varies depending on the size and type of property but typically starts at around £60.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how energy performance certificates work and how much they cost.


What is an EPC?

An EPC will include a rating demonstrating the energy efficiency of a given building. Ratings are defined from A (very efficient) to G (inefficient). The ratings are based on the energy performance of the building, taking into account factors such as insulation, energy-efficient lighting and energy-efficient heating and hot water systems.

It’s worth noting that an EPC is not a guarantee of energy efficiency – it simply provides information about the energy performance of a building. However, if you’re looking to improve the energy efficiency of your home, an EPC can be a useful tool to help you understand where improvements can be made.

EPCs are required by law for all newly built homes and for any homes that are being sold or rented. A certified energy assessor must carry out an assessment to produce the certificate. Your surveyor will perform an assessment of the property by writing up the results of the energy efficiency of the property, the current energy usage, the energy cost and carbon dioxide emissions.

Once the assessment is complete, you will be given an energy performance certificate. This will show the energy efficiency rating for your property and list any recommendations on how to improve energy efficiency.

EPCs are valid for 10 years and do not need to be renewed unless the property is sold or rented.


What is included within the EPC assessment?

During the completion of your EPC, your accredited surveyor will analyse the energy performance of all energy-using systems within your property. This will include features such as:

  • Room heaters and radiators
  • Water heating appliances/ boilers
  • Cooking appliances
  • Ventilation and insulation
  • Type of windows and doors
  • Type of fuel used for heating.

When is an EPC required?

An energy performance certificate is required for all newly built homes and for any homes that are sold or rented. If you are selling your home, you must order an EPC and provide it to potential buyers. If you are renting your home, you must provide an EPC to the tenant before they move in.

EPCs are needed to help improve the energy efficiency of buildings. The energy efficiency rating provides a way to compare the energy efficiency of different properties. There are also recommendations on how to improve energy efficiency which can help reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.

How much does an Energy Performance Certificate cost?

The cost of an EPC will differ between providers, they may charge more or less depending on the size and type of property. The following factors are included within the report and may also influence the amount you are charged.

– The energy assessment

EPC assessments are carried out by accredited domestic energy assessors. The energy assessor will visit the property to complete the necessary checks for the completion of the certificate.

The time and cost associated with energy assessments are reflected in your fee. However, there is no fixed fee for EPCs meaning you can shop around for the best quote in your area.

-The EPC report

The energy performance certificate contains information about the property, including the energy efficiency rating, current energy usage, energy cost, and carbon dioxide emissions.

This information will be compiled into an electronic or physical report which you would receive in the mail. Administration fees and physical resource costs might impact the cost of your energy performance certificate.

– Energy performance recommendations

The final factor included within every EPC is the energy performance recommendations. These are a series of energy-saving tips that can help improve the energy efficiency of your property. The energy assessor will provide you with these recommendations at the end of your report.

By investing in an EPC as a homeowner, you could save yourself money in the future by following the recommendations outlined in your report.


The cost of an energy performance certificate varies depending on the property. A typical energy performance certificate for a three-bedroom house costs around £60, however, this can vary widely amongst providers.

There are several factors associated with your property that influence the cost of an energy performance certificate. These will include:

-The size and type of property

The size and technicality of a particular property will of course influence the overall price of the report. For larger properties, it takes more time to assess everything and as a result, energy performance certificates can cost more.

-The location of the property

The location of the property is also a factor as energy prices vary across the country. properties located in areas with higher energy prices will typically have higher EPC costs.

Do I really need an EPC?

Even after comparing prices between providers, you might be wondering whether it’s even worth purchasing an EPC certificate? Are they really needed?

The answer to this question in most cases is yes. If you want to sell a house, you need to have an EPC to pass on to the buyers. If the property does not already have a recent EPC, you will be obligated to purchase one.

For landlords, it is a legal obligation to provide an energy performance certificate to new and existing tenants. The energy performance certificate cost is an important factor to consider for landlords, as it’s a requirement that must be met.

If you’re not sure whether your property needs an energy performance certificate, it’s always best to check with a professional assessor. They will be able to advise you on the best course of action for your particular property.

The EPC is just one of the cost of moving house and to see the full list click here for full information.